Wild Horse Mesa

Wild Horse Mesa

Red Rock Country (surrounding Sedona, AZ) is a colourful collection of buttes, pinnacles, mesas and canyons and is famous the world over for its vistas & spiritual healing. Over the years, this area has been the setting of many western novels & movies and has been the subject of uncounted paintings, photographs and other works of art. The remains of ancient wetlands, these crimson cliffs have been carved by the forces of the southwest desert into one of Nature's most endearing masterpieces. NOTE : The Woods Canyon TH is closed due to the construction of new FS offices and grounds of the Red Rock Ranger District. (This trailhead will remain closed until a suitable access point can be identified in the new ranger station area and connections constructed). To access the Woods Canyon Trail, please use the Hot Loop Trail via the Jacks Canyon TH off of Jacks Canyon Road - further to the north. (Jacks Canyon was named for an abundance of 'jackrabbits' in this area.) Here, we see Wild Horse Mesa towering over two Fremont Cottonwood trees growing near the SW edge of the 18,150-acre Munds Mountain Wilderness Area in central Arizona. August 10, 2008
on Aug 12, 2008 3:29 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 430986


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Boydie - Aug 13, 2008 4:31 pm - Voted 10/10

Hey Larry!

Where you been? Out on an adventure in AZ???


lcarreau - Aug 16, 2008 7:46 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Hey Larry!

YES. I've had a change in job and scenery;
but I'm still in AZ enjoying the T-storms
and dry lightning! Gathering more fotos
together on my camera - will probably post
them later next week. Thanks for your concern
and understanding. (Larry the walk-about).

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