Stainless Steel Thermos


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Stainless Steel Thermos
Manufacturer REI
Page By Moni
Page Type Jan 29, 2005 / Jan 29, 2005
Object ID 1242
Hits 4911
The stainless steel thermos comes in 2 sizes: "briefcase" 1/2 liter (the one I have) and a 1 liter size. For the full weight add about 1.05 lbs for the 1/2 liter size and 2.1 lbs for the full liter.

It really does keep things hot most of the day, and is unbreakable.

Great for winter trips. The outside metal may become very cold, so a jacket for it may be worthwhile - unsure if anything is made commercially like that.


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Moni - Jan 29, 2005 11:23 am - Voted 4/5

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I have used the briefcase sized bottle for years. As a forester I work in all seasons and conditions as well as go on winter climbing and skiing trips. This bottle has never let me down!

nartreb - Jan 29, 2005 3:58 pm - Voted 4/5

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(note: mine are not the same brand pictured, but are marked "Thermos - Nissan". I assume they're identical.)

If you do winter hiking (near zero F before windchill) the thermoses are worth the weight. That first time you use a gulp of hot water to thaw out the frozen sandwich you're trying to chew on, you'll understand. Add snow to the cup if you want cold water.

The outer cap becomes a drinking cup, and the inner cap has a nice feature whereby if you loosen it a little, you can pour out liquid without actually removing it - great for hiking since you don't risk losing it.

I find they fit nicely into the water-bottle pockets on the outside of my packs - I can reach them without stopping. I did wrap them many times with tape about three-quarters of the way up, creating a ridge so they don't slide out of the pockets accidentally.

These things are actually cheaper than a lot of the useless cloth-insulated bottles you see in the stores.

miztflip - Feb 6, 2005 4:10 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
Priceless, I have the .5 liter model and use it anytime I'm out in the winter. It's small and relatively lightweight, especially when you consider the benefit of a warm beverage on really cold days.

It holds enough for the occasional sip on an all day outing. The added benefit of a hot drink are sometimes the difference in success and failure.

I preheat my thermos with hot water before placing my drink (usually hot coffee) inside. This keeps my coffee hot for much longer (up to 24 hours) than it takes me to drink it.

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