Madame Hook


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Madame Hook
Manufacturer Trango
Page By JScoles
Page Type Apr 17, 2003 / Apr 17, 2003
Object ID 718
Hits 5516
There’s a lot of hype out there about leashless ice climbing, the Euro’s are nuts about it and nobody in the US is sure what to think. The one thing we do know is that everybody who has tried it thinks it’s great: those who haven’t don’t think much of it…yet.

So we designed a tool that lets you have it both ways.

Bolt on our Leashless Handle and you’ll enjoy freedom from the leash. Place the tool solidly, then use it as an apparatus to climb up on. Match hands, hook your knee, mantle up on it, switch hands and enjoy! Jeff Lowe designed our Teardrop Grip to easy to hang on to and control, with or without gloves, and the rubber covered dogleg is a great platform for hand switches, leg hooks and palms. No other tool even comes close to offering so many solid hand positions.

When you get tired of the fun, or if your going to cruise an all-day route, bolt on the Straight Handle, attach the Clutch Leash and enjoy the security of our regular Captain Hook.

You can order it with the Leashless Handle, Straight Handle with the Clutch Leash, or a Complete Set, including both handles and the Clutch Leash. Either way, the Madame comes equipped with Jeff Lowe’s CammerHead and the Extreme Pick.


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