Keratin Treatments before a trip


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Keratin Treatments before a trip
Manufacturer Various
Page By
Page Type Nov 24, 2011 / Nov 24, 2011
Object ID 7961
Hits 2915

Keratin straightening products

I must admit I'm not one to obsess aboout my hair, esepcially when I'm on a trip, but I'd like to share a tip I've been using for a couple of years now.
And that's Keratin straightening, also known as Brazilian straightening.

It's basically some kind of deep conditioning treatmnet that straightens your hair, but I've discovered a slightly different use for it.

A stylist friend recently convinced me to get the treatment, as I have hair prone to frizz and use electric straighteners (when at home that is, not when I'm out)

The treatment itself worked well, but what really impressed me was several weeks later, when I spent a week in Scotland under canvas. I noticed my hair wasn't frizzing out as usual, and also seemed to be a lot less grimy at the end of each day's climbing.

When I got home I told my friend and she pointed out that Keratin treatments create a strong defensive seal that repels the worst excesses of sunlight, wind and rain. A kind of resilient layer over your hair.

Anyway, ever since, before a trip I apply some kind of Keratin treatment, and it saves me a ton of hassle.

Less washing, no need for any shampoo (seriously, unless I'm out for more than a week, I take nothing and wash only with water)

So it's a real time saver and gives me one less thing to worry about...
I've tried a few different products so far and been well impressed by them all.

Just wanted to share that with you all ;)
Here's a place I found that sells the product my friend applied to my hair


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