Dermatone Endurance DryGel


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Dermatone Endurance DryGel
Manufacturer Dermatone
Page By JHH60
Page Type Jul 29, 2010 / Jul 29, 2010
Object ID 7250
Hits 3263

Product Description

Dermatone Endurance Drygel is a waterproof SPF 45 sunblock.


This stuff is long lasting, very waterproof, and less greasy than many other waterproof sunblocks. It goes on clear. I have very fair skin and it's worked well for me on long sweaty hikes, climbs, runs, and kept me from frying between dives when on the dive boat. The only problem I've encountered with it is that if you leave it in a hot car for a long time, the gel will separate into a runny liquid and a thicker gel component, but it still seems to work as a sunblock in that case.



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