Counter Assault Bear Deterrent


Counter Assault Bear Deterrent
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Counter Assault Bear Deterrent
Manufacturer Counter Assault
Page By FlatheadNative
Page Type May 3, 2008 / Dec 30, 2008
Object ID 5279
Hits 6375

Product Description


Counter Assault was developed in conjunction with a research study at the University of Montana. During the original testing, recommendations were established based on their experiences with black and grizzly bears.

Testing was performed on extremely agitated bears that were removed from our parks and forests for being too aggressive. Counter Assault has continued to monitor the suggestions and recommendations from bear experts who work for our state and federal agencies and have reaffirmed these recommendations over the past 20+ years.

The main ingredient in COUNTER ASSAULT BEAR DETERRENT is an extract of RED PEPPER oil which affects the upper respiratory system, triggering involuntary eye closure and intense burning.

Bear Spray is No Substitute for COMMON SENSE!

Bear Spray Specs

Active Ingredient - 2% Capsaicin and other related Capsaicinoids (3.2 million SHU)

Delivery Method - Atomized fogger blast
A sophisticated delivery method is utilized to create an atomized blast which produces a pepper cloud slow to dissipate. More effective than foam, stream or cone sprays. Distributes a large amount of high pressure spray into the target area, requiring less accuracy than other methods.

Shelf life - 4 years
The manufacturer recommends replacing Counter Assault after 4 years. The container can lose pressure over time and may not yield maximum effectiveness. Each canister is marked with an expiration date on the label. The set industry standard shelf life is one to two years.

Spray range & width Counter Assault can be used at a range of 18 to 35 feet with an 8.1 ounce canister.


Counter Assault Website



Viewing: 1-5 of 5

FlatheadNative - Jun 11, 2008 11:55 pm - Voted 5/5

A quality product
that I will not go into the woods without. Easy to use and effective for deterring bears and mountain lions.

stepho - Jul 14, 2008 12:42 pm - Voted 5/5

good to have in bear country. once i accidentally set off a minuscule squirt of this stuff when going through my backpack in the back of the car. it could make you cry from over 40 feet away.

FlatheadNative - Jul 26, 2008 7:13 pm - Voted 5/5

Re: powerful
Thanks for the comment. This is what I carry into the back country.

skagitteam - Aug 6, 2008 6:50 pm - Hasn't voted

Tough to review
We carried this stuff in Alaska for years, but I was always annoyed at how big it was. Now they make a more compact can that should still do the job, and I'm quite happy with it.

Bob Sihler - Feb 13, 2010 11:52 am - Hasn't voted

Nice to have
I hope I never have to find out if it actually works on bears, but I have tested this, and even though I sprayed downwind, a little still floated back and got into my mouth and nose. It was powerful stuff indeed, and that was just a minuscule dose. I always carry at least one of these when in grizzly country and when camping with my kids where black or grizzly bears may be present.

It is also convenient to carry and easy to use.

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