Stok Kangri India

Stok Kangri India

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking

Stok kangri July 2012

My dream to climb Stok Kangri for my 40th birthday is almost coming true. With climbing buddy Heather we tried in July to summit, but the altitude got to us. Looking back I guess it was a number of things that kept us from summiting, some being fresh snow and then melting slushy snow, collapsing mountain sides, a rapidly melting glacier, lack of sleep, not drinking enough fluids,loss of appetite and so we learn. This is not recommended for everyone, one needs to be familiar with snow (I'm from Africa working in India!)and be really fit from head to toe! Hope you enjoy the album.
From Stok Kangri at Sunrise

Hurry to see the Melting Glaciers of the Western Himalaya

Read in the newspaper (Times Of India, 14 Sept 2012) that glaciers in the Western Himalayas are melting faster than those in the eastern regions and this is where we faced difficulty crossing the glacier at Stok.
Melting Glaciers Of The Western Himalaya


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