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Yosemite free trad, late May


Posted by kheegster on Feb 11, 2009
Page Views: 669

Activity Details

Dates: May 14, 2009 through May 31, 2009
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Yosemite Junction
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


I'll be in visiting San Francisco at the end of May, and am looking for a partner to do some long trad routes in Yosemite Valley (free climbing, not aid). It'll be my first time there, so I'd like to do classic long routes 5.8 and below like Snake Dike on the Half Dome and After Six, but will start off doing 1-2 pitch stuff to get a feel for the climbing there first.

I'm aiming to spend about a week there and camp, but if all else fails I can climb for a shorter period and stay at a motel. I have a rack and 60m rope which I can bring.

I'm open to ideas and am pretty flexible, so drop me a line and we can work something out!


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