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whitney in the winter


Posted by SUPERGATO on Nov 27, 2006
Page Views: 1576

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Mount Whitney Trail
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering, Social
Partner Status: Want Partners


looking for people heding out to whitney in this comming new year jan -mar somtime, who would not mind another to enjoy spending a few days on the mountian ..i have some experiance mostly in summertime backpacking and camping and in these past few years have discoverd winter backpacking is quite fun. have been wanting to do whitney and enjoy the winter beauty of the serrias . i have all my own gear but have not yet had use for harness or any serious climbing ...if any one would be willing e-mail me at dedlwert@hotmail.com or post here thanks ddw


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VISINEwinter whitney


I've been wanting to do some ice/snow climbing. How experienced should i be for Mt.W?
Posted Jan 28, 2007 9:40 pm



I'm just waiting for my ice tools and boots to arrive!! I've been itching to try Hood/Whitney/Shasta early this winter. Living in Phoenix makes it a bit hard to find climbing partners-my buds all think I'm crazy. I have climbed Rainier ( with three other guys from SummitPost), but Like you, most of my experience in Summer stuff. I've got most of the gear also and my schedules are fairly flexible. Let me know if your interested.
Posted Jan 29, 2007 2:55 pm



Hey, I live in LA. Am thinking about doing whitney in winter too, been there twice (winter and summer). Do you want to do Mountaineers Route?? It all depends on the weather but I would love to go... Have all the gear...
Posted Feb 4, 2007 12:53 am



Right On!!!! At the moment I'm open to any route and I'm free virtually any time. Peter, if you've already been up a few times I'll def go with your recommendations. I'm Ok with camping for a couple of days if necessary.
Posted Feb 6, 2007 6:34 pm

bartolo1000I'm up for a challenge


I'm up for Mountaineers route! Anybody interested email me, bartolo1000@yahoo.com. I'd like to go maybe closer to end of Feb. I'm flexible tough.
Posted Feb 9, 2007 7:18 am

kevin trieuMarch 25th - one day ascend

kevin trieu

I'm heading up Sunday March 25 for a one day push. Let me know if anybody want to join.

Posted Mar 9, 2007 7:51 pm

divnamiteEarly April


I'm thinking about flying out from NY for a summit try. I can do Mountaineer's Route and have all the gears needed except a winter tent.
Posted Dec 4, 2007 11:06 am

climbing1Winter Whitney climb


I have summitted via the MR and would like to do a snow climb. I also have not used harness or rope. Many years on snowshoes and have ice ax and crampons and other winter gear. Keep me in mind, and let me know when you plan on climbing.
Posted Dec 19, 2007 12:38 am

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