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Utah 11/20 through 12/2


Posted by zplustwo on Nov 5, 2009
Page Views: 416

Activity Details

Dates: Nov 20, 2009 through Dec 1, 2009
Location: Utah, United States
City or Place: Salt Lake City
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hey there.

Looking for partner(s) for a trip to Utah this fall.

Early season BC skiing before Turkey Day (11/21 and 11/22), then a two-three day mountaineering/snow camping/BC ski trip starting 11/27 through 11/29-30.

Partners need to have at least basic avalanche skills (not sure what the conditions will be like, hopefully this won't be an issue so early), fit, and ideally reasonably interesting.

Little bit about me: I've been skiing and snowboarding for years, just started BC/Mountaineering last year; have about a dozen trips of various length and difficulty under my belt. Big ones are tagged on SP. Basically I feel pretty good about my ability to keep out of trouble and/or get out of any trouble we find ourselves in. Looking for someone with similar ability. 26, dude w gf.

Willing to hike 10-12 miles a day, handle major elevation gains, skin up to remote ranges, follow trad to 5.7, camp in the snow, drink some whiskey, and generally live it up and kick off the ski season.

No major targets, open to any suggestions. Prefer close to SLC.

Will also be heading to Washington, Denver, NH, back to Utah again and possibly Chamonix this season, so hit me up with any cool plans.




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"And isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, ooh ooh ooh, the sky is the limit!"   --The Tick   

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