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Seeking Climbers for Ambitious Climbing Film


Posted by kaiser23 on Jun 8, 2013
Page Views: 518

Activity Details

Date: After Jun 8, 2013
Location: Colorado, United States
City or Place: Colorado, US
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Rock Climbing, Other
Partner Status: Need Partners


If you are an underemployed dirt-bag trad climber, who feels drawn towards adventurous situations with dubious outcomes, your assistance is sought on a new documentary. I am starting the process of making a film about the early history (up to 1975) of climbing in the United States. But with an adventurous twist.
If you join me on this (or on part of this) endeavor, we would climb some of the most important early ascents in US climbing history and film as we do so.
The plan as I see it is to start tackling climbs in Colorado (Eldo, the Flatirons, Longs, Black Canyon) and Wyoming (Devils Tower, the Grand) in July and August. If you're really passionate about the project, there will be more opportunities to climb starting in September (with expenses covered, ideally) outside of the rockies- Yosemite, Utah, Washington, Oregon, New York, and almost any other place of notable historical significance to US rock climbing.
Funding will come from crowdfunding (sources like Kickstarter), and possibly grants for filmmakers and adventurers, with the goal of submitting the film to mountain film festivals such as BANFF, Telluride, and the like. You would have the opportunity to travel, a great completed piece of film to put on your resume, tons of climbing experience, and, if we get lucky, some money.
Rough Timeline:
June: Assement of financial needs, research, and planning.
July: Get together funding and begin filming around the front range and RMNP on early ascents.
August: RMNP, possibly Wyoming or the Black Canyon
September/Early Oct: Yosemite
October/Early November: Utah
TBD: Filming would start in May. Likely locations include the Gunks, and other East Coast destinations. Oregon and Washington would be filmed in June.


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Ben BeckerichPNW

Ben Beckerich

I'm employed, but will likely have a very flexible schedule by the end of this summer, and would likely be available to commit some effort for your Pacific Northwest work. Oregon specifically, but probably WA too.

Posted Jun 8, 2013 11:33 pm

flatlander1Condo in Jackson


If you're looking to do the Grand I'll be there 6/11-6/18. Done the fourteeners now onto this stuff. So far it's solo. Also a film grad!
Posted May 7, 2016 8:15 am

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