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Looking for intermediate mtneering partner


Posted by whoknows on Dec 10, 2009
Page Views: 742

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Murray
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Biking, Hiking, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


I'm looking for anyone who is willing to brave the cold this winter and bag a few peaks...Ive looked into doing an overnight Lone Peak trip. Ive also worked out in some detail a longer trip in the High Uintas. The specific peak of interest is dubbed A-1 on google earth...but is about 14 miles south of Bear River Lodge. Also Im more than interested in meeting up and joining in on any trips that need an extra climber. Feel free to email with questions! tykebe@gmail.com


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I am very interested in getting out and doing some mountaineering this winter. I'll say up front that I would consider myself a beginner. I haven't really done any winter mountaineering, but I have basic knowledge of the principles in mountaineering due to my great interest in it.

I am an experienced rock climber, and am aware that many principles are shared between mountaineering and rock climbing,

Let me know if you are interested in planning a trip, based on my level of experience, etc. Or, we could go on a trip that is more climbing focused once the snow melts. I'd even like to just go snowshoeing, if you're up for it.
Posted Jan 12, 2010 10:43 am

ApexrockInterested as well


Hey there,

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, love to go hiking and mountaineering and getting a chance to do it during the winter would be awesome. I have basic equipment such as boots, ice trekking chain crampons, and poles. I can easily rent snow-shoes or any other needed equipment. Hit me up...
Posted Feb 8, 2010 9:32 pm

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