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Longs Peak Aug. 19-22?

Dartmouth Hiker

Posted by Dartmouth Hiker on Aug 11, 2010
Page Views: 476

Activity Details

Dates: Aug 19, 2010 through Aug 22, 2010
Location: Colorado, United States
City or Place: Fort Collins
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking
Partner Status: Need Partners


Hey all, I'm heading to grad school in Ft. Collins for the next year and would absolutely love to get a climb of the area's most illustrious peak in before classes start! Unfortunately, I do not have a car, but I'd certainly be willing to chip in with gas/driving. Is there anyone in the Ft. Collins area who'd be interested in a climb/reclimb of this peak on a day between August 19 and 22? I will unfortunately probably be too busy with classes afterward to spare the time.

Hiking experience: a decent bit both in the Northeast and in AZ, where I'm working on the prom peaks. My limit right now is about class 4 stuff, so the Keyhole route it'd be. I'm no speed demon, but can do an okay pace for a long period of time (I've done 54 miles of Appalachian Trail in 28 hrs) and, weather issues aside, will make the top if that's my goal. High altitude experience: not much, but I have been up both Whitney and Elbert, and had only minimal altitude issues in both cases.

I'd ideally like to tackle Longs in one long day, with an early start (e.g. 2 AM or thereabouts) so we can avoid thunderstorms. I'd be down for either camping at/near the TH, or just leaving Ft. Collins very early in the morning.


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"Got tight last night on absinthe and did knife tricks. Great success shooting the knife into the piano. The woodworms are so bad and eat hell out of all furniture that you can always claim the woodworms did it."   --Ernest Hemingway   

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