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Good Times


Posted by Genesis on Apr 25, 2008
Page Views: 1426

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Calabasas
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Social
Partner Status: Want Partners


Ok, this is the revised version of my partner search. I felt it only fair that is be updated with the seasons. I'm looking for rock, ice, alpine, or mountaineering partners. I'm pretty knowledgeable in each area. I've got a TON of gear due to me working at a gear shop, so I've pretty much got most everything we might need for any adventure. I'm open to ideas but some of the bigger plans I want to try would be U-Notch, MR Whitney (april or may), Shasta (late May), Bear creek Spire, among others. Hit me up even if ya just have a day or so to climb. I'm always down to climb Echo cliffs, Malibu Creek, or Stoney Point for a good workout.


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hows it going mate.
Iam trying to build up a partner base at the moment wondering if you would like to meet up some time, maybe do a climb or two in the sierra.
I am climbing a good few years at much the same level as you describe in your profile. I have been climbing quite a bit lately the problem is i dont know that many people in California. I moved to the bay area a year ago from Ireland. Most of my experience has been back in europe iam only just discovering the sierra.
Drop me a line or an email if your interested in doing something some time. Iam free this coming weekend
but the two weeks after that iam climbing with a friend.
My big ambitious wish list includes...
3rd pillar Dana
mt conness, south face
incredible hulk, red dihedral
some of the buttress on temple crag.
then lots of easier stuff to hone my skills on.

Hope we can climb some day.
Posted Jun 3, 2008 1:48 am

cybeleHi Genesis


I am also looking to expand my partner base. I am in the east SF Valley. I am a very experienced all-around climber, into multi-pitch waterfall ice and Yos walls in addition to free rock. I am not the strongest athlete, but a reliable and technically expert partner, experienced in emergencies and the dark and all that good stuff. I used to be a little stronger, led up to 11a sport and WI 4+ a couple years ago, but am looking for trad, ice, aid, and alpine partners now at a fairly moderate level... I've led 5.9 crack at Suicide and Josh but don't expect it this year from me...I am recovering from a hand injury. I would be happy to be on 5.7 and 5.8, or follow or TR harder.

Email me if you are interested. I could even use a partner for this weekend...I have a couple days at Josh planned and nobody for tomorrow there!
Posted Feb 27, 2009 10:50 pm

wigballLA area partners?


Still looking for local partners? I'm going to Josh or echo cliffs just about every weekend, and cruxin out on partners. I've got 15 years of experience and am trying to get on some 5.10 and 11 each time I get out. Super psyched.

let's climb!
Posted Feb 10, 2011 10:37 pm

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