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Cordillera Blanca June 2012


Posted by Cal on Feb 22, 2012
Page Views: 581

Activity Details

Dates: Jun 15, 2012 through Jul 4, 2012
City or Place: Cordillera Blanca
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Hiking, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


I'll be in the Huaraz area between 6/15- 7/05, first acclimating on a mini backpack to Laguna Churup, then Ishinca, Tocllaraju, Ranrapallca, Pisco y Chopicalqui if I can fit it all in. I've been talking to a guide I found on the Casa de Guias website about this itinerary but there is no contract drawn yet, that is, if I can get away with at least doing the easy ones (Ishinca or Pisco) with a partner, we will both save money.

On my experience...Oregon/Washington Cascades (my home), little bit of the Alps & Mont Blanc, some of the Rockies, some of the Sierras. I am adept at the drudgery, meaning I've never done any technical ice-climbing but I'll be sampling some of it on Ranrapalca. Most of my ability is centered around the art of a steady upward progression, coupled with not falling into a crevasse or getting out of one if you do, so complimentary tech-ax skills would be welcome in a partner!


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FlounderCordillera Blanca


Hey Cal - I'm looking for a 6000m peak in the Cordillera Blanca in June or July, maybe we could team up. I live down in Davis and my experience is multiple Shastas and a Rainier and a whole bunch of other skiing and backpacking stuff. Was in Nepal in November and did pretty good at altitude - now thinking that I could just do a Shasta in Peru, which is to say take a basic crampons and axe climb and bump it up 4000 feet. Have not seen "things go wrong", though. To hell with that. That's what good decisionmaking is all about. Drop a line if you're interested in discussing further - I agree with you that you can pay way too much money for a guide to help you do the same stuff you do back home - i.e., a bit of front-pointing and rope technique. Chris.
Posted Mar 6, 2012 1:06 am



Hi Cal, I will be in Huaraz at that time, Went in May two years ago and had bad weather. Hoping to climb Pisco, Vallunaraju and one or two others. Let me know.
Posted Mar 12, 2012 12:22 am



By the way, it is now officially a law that you have to use a guide in that area.
Posted Mar 12, 2012 12:24 am

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