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Climbing partner needed - September (India)

Posted by pilgrim on Aug 4, 2011
Page Views: 654

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Ladakh
Skill Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners


I leave for the Himalayas in 10 days. Will be trekking in to Ladakh through Zanskar - not the well-beaten trail, but one that goes through lesser frequented areas (phugtal-tantak-shade-niri sumdo-soulantakhtakh-thongde).
The plan is to get to Ladakh and spend time climbing. I will have all of September for this and I'm hoping to find some company. The only thing I have planned is the main summit of Kang Yatse. This will probably happen second week of September. But after that, I would love to do some climbing/exploring.
I will have ALL equipment to take care of a team of two (including me). So if you have done some climbing before, and want to do some more and don't have your gear on you, feel free to get in touch with me.


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Sturmgeistjust curious
I have a similar trip planned for next yr.
can u give me some tips from your experience there?
Can i make it to the top of Kang Yatse without equipment?...how far is the nearest stay from the summit?..guess u must have approached from Upshi side. and whr did u get all this trekking info ?
thanks :)
Posted May 4, 2014 3:49 pm

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