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Climbing in the Alps - Sept. 07-13


Posted by Djiaody on Aug 5, 2014
Page Views: 732

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: United States
City or Place: PIPILITSA, RU
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners



I'm an intermediate climber from Ontario Canada. I"ll be travelling threw Europe this September. I'm wondering if there are any locals I can hook up with for a week of summit pushes! I'd love to spend 7 days in the hills climbing as much as possible.

I'm extremely fit, and can climbing long and hard. I have experience in the North Cascades, doing 20km approaches, with 3500-4500 ft climbs in around 10 hours. From car-summit-car.

Please email me so we can get to know one another and possibly come up with an itinerary.

Thanks a lot,



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beaulanierim in the alps now


hi man,

see my post on another climbing site:

I am an American solo traveling climber. I have a T3 VW bus outfitted and am currently in the Swiss Alps. I have room for one other climber to sleep in the bus, two more in a tent (4 total including me).

I want to focus on granite and gneiss trad multipitch and bolted sport single/multi too, in CH and FR until the cold comes in mid Sept. After, either the Mediterranean or Balkans. I have plenty of sport experience but limited trad (yet a full rack of nuts and cams on hand).

I've spent a lot of money on this Bus and my trip. My goals are climbing. NOT cafe's, town strolls, gelati, shopping, etc. I wait out the rain beside the crag for a chance to climb patiently, not waste fuel running from boredom. I sleep on layby's or wherever the campervan life suits me. Free. I don't pay another man to sleep in my own van, so I don't do campgrounds. Those who have this goal who can share fuel and stick with climbing focused living, please join me for as long as you like.

Email me.

Posted Aug 14, 2014 9:18 am

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