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Argentina - seeking partners in crime


Posted by SiggiSoleyjar on Jun 20, 2011
Page Views: 817

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Argentina
City or Place: Argentina
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Gym/Training, Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hi guys,

Well, looks like I am going to be in Argentina for a bit longer. I am still looking for partners to climb with in South America, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and such, interested in anything from rock climbing, ice climbing, even scuba diving, any sort of trekking or travel, skydiving will even work for me, just got to get out there, and away from the city.

Buenos Aires is killing me, I am here for girlfriend reasons, need to be out in the hills though, need to be training.

Prior experience worth mentioning is Mont Blanc (2008,) Aconcagua (solo, Ruta Normal, 2009) Denali (Mt. Mckinley - West Buttress twice - 2010 and 2011, more or less solo) some experience with Ice Climbing (Iceland, not much, but relatively strong and willing to push it) and some experience on rock, (sport climbing, limited to maximum 5.11a - but dedicated to push myself, mostly climbed in Thailand and Mexico on rock.) Also, been travelling the world for two decades, Africa, Middle and Far East and South America, usually off the beaten path.

Very good knowledge of navigation, expedition planning, weather, glacier travel, crevasse rescue, belaying and such, relatively strong physically and mentally, and totally dedicated.

Future goals are Pakistan - Broad Peak (2012 or 2013,) Nepal - Manaslu or similar (2012 or 2013) and Everest (2013 or 2014.) I might be on The Polish Glacier route on Aconcagua in December/January and I am interested in the Cordillera Blanca in Peru, especially Mt. Alpamayo.

I am also open to other ideas.

Send wisdom at once,


Siggi - Buenos Aires


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Hi Siggi,
You will find that I just made a post requesting a partner for Tupungato, but then saw your post. Are you interested?
If you don't know about it, Tupungato is 6570m and a not very technical mountain, although ice axe and crampon use is required. Get back to me if you are interested in joining me, as I am looking for a partner to climb it.
Posted Aug 24, 2011 10:15 am

SiggiSoleyjarRe: Tupungato


Always looking for a rush - when is this going to happen, and sorry for the late reply - been around the world a few times for the last three months, just washing off the travel dust in Buenos Aires - keeping the flames going on the romantic side. Rather be climbing.

Regards - Siggi
Posted Sep 21, 2011 3:20 pm



Hi Siggi

I saw your post on James page. I will be in Chile/Argentina in early 2012 and am hoping to find someone to climb some peaks with. Specifically I have 1/25/2012 to 2/24/2012 free.

You can find more details at the post I made here:
Posted Oct 26, 2011 4:31 pm

bruno baschungatacama

bruno baschung


I will be running an expedition uin the puna de atacama (2 to 3 peaks over 6000m including Walter Penck (6658m) and Tres Cruces starting 10.2.2012. Cost is about 2600 USD from Fiambala all included.

Good opportunity of training before going higher later in teh year

More details on request!
Posted Dec 4, 2011 3:26 am

chalkfingerclimbing partner


Hi Siggi, interesting to read your post. I am a 36 year old swiss guy, living since 2 years in mendoza (on the other side of arg. - at least some hills nearby ;-) But because ot the workload i didnt make a lot of mountain (except aconcagua and some tradclimbings in los arenales). Now I will take some time of to travel and climb. From march on i will be heading down south to patagonia (el chalten or bariloche). And later this year i would like to go again to peru (have been there 2010 and made the vajunaraju 5680m) to do some more tecnical climbings.. If you are interested to conect yourself with me just let me know. my mail: marianus_link@me.com Cheers, Marianus
Posted Feb 28, 2012 12:22 am

tkittaAconcagua December 2012


Anyone to climb with for Aconcagua - I fly into Mendoza on December 11th?
Posted Nov 20, 2012 5:50 pm

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