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Alps, Apuane Alps, 4000m Peaks


Posted by thomaskeefer on Dec 18, 2008
Page Views: 1370

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Italy
City or Place: Alpi Apuane
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Biking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Skiing
Partner Status: Want Partners


I am an American living in Italy for a while near La Spezia. I would like to make some of the classic ski tours of the alps (1-3 days) in hopes of doing the Haute route this spring.

I would also like to climb and ski in both the main alps and Apuane alps (close to where I live). I have been climbing since 1992 and am proficient leading alpine rock (trad) up to 5.10, fit (ultra-runner as well), have adequate ski skills (comfortably ski blacks and off piste and skiing and riding since 1980s), can follow moderate ice, have full knowledge of self and team rescue and wildnerness trauma care.

Also interested in hike and fly paraglider desecents.

My schedule is pretty flexible - can do local stuff with a few hours notice and need only a day or two for the main alps.

Climbing Routes I am interested in are:

3 Mt Blancs Route on Mt Blanc
NW Face of Gran Paradiso
Hornli Ridge on Matterhorn



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I am free all of december for some mountaineering. I am hoping to get on any route really. Just let me know if your interested in hitting up some peaks. I am pretty mobile because I have my truck in europe. Just let me know what you want to do. wade
Posted Oct 27, 2009 6:20 am

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