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5 – 8 Adventurers Wanted


Posted by christophernew on May 12, 2010
Page Views: 965

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: Irvine
Categories: Other
Partner Status: Want Partners


5 – 8 Adventurers Wanted
Looking to build a team of five to eight men for adventuring and expeditions in the coming years.

Must be willing to take seriously the business of learning mountaineering, interpreting meteorological data, becoming confident skydivers and most importantly, you must possess the will to be extraordinary and the tenacity to procure funding (as a group) for long expeditions.

You don’t have to have all or any of these skills as of this moment, today, but you must be willing to get trained up. You must have that fire to make it happen, to go where others do not and you must have it in you to become a rock-solid, trustworthy and reliable team member.

You should reply if…
• You’ve read and watched as other guys trekked the frozen arctic, paraglided (motorized) over Everest, ballooned around the world, jetpacked between continents, or crossed the frozen Atlantic - and you burned for a piece of the action.

• You can see yourself on Everest or crashing through waves in the middle of the ocean (at 2:00 in the morning).

• Your personality is such that you will find a way and “make it happen.” You will get what you need to get what you want (gear, fundraising, time away from work, time away from family).

• You can laugh, have a sense of humor and carry on in face of challenging, possibly frightening circumstances.

Somewhere out there are territories uncharted.
5 – 8 men wanted to find them, conquer them and begin again in search of the next.


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alleyehaveI have to ask


Is this for real?
Posted Jun 12, 2010 3:39 am

sedermanGot my interest


hey im interested however im new to the whole adventure lifestyle how serious are u?
Posted Jun 13, 2010 3:45 pm

RankhankCount me in


Done Whitney, Shasta, attempt on Tyndall and Williamson and were stopped short due to turn around times. I am planning a trip next climbing season 2011/2012 at aconcongua Argentina and more recent goal includes a mulitpitch climb up the (west side?) snake dyke on half dome. Great for training for multi pitch climbs on more technical mountains and room for more. Let me know.
Posted Aug 19, 2010 9:07 pm

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