SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation


SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation
Manufacturer John 'Lofty' Wiseman
Page By phoxtrot
Page Type Oct 20, 2009 / Oct 20, 2009
Object ID 6501
Hits 4442

Book details

by John 'lofty' Wiseman

Harper Collins Publishers

Published March 2009
(Paperback - Revised)


Publisher's Copmments:

For Any Climate, in Any Situation

Newly updated to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, the internationally bestselling SAS Survival Handbook is the definitive resource for all campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers. From basic campcraft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster, this complete course includes:

Being prepared: Understanding basic survival needs and preparing essentials, such as a pocket survival kit.

Making camp: Finding the best location, constructing the appropriate shelter, organizing camp, and creating tools.

Food: What to eat, what to avoid, where to find it, and how to prepare it.

First aid: A comprehensive course in emergency/wilderness medicine, including how to maximize survival in any climate or when injured.

Disaster survival: How to react in the face of increasingly frequent natural disasters and hostile situations—and how to survive at home if all services and supplies are cut off.

About The Author:

John 'Lofty' Wiseman served in the British Special Air Service (SAS) for twenty-six years. The SAS Survival Handbook is based on the training techniques of this world-famous elite fighting force.

Table of Contents

Introduction 8

1 Essentials 12

2 Strategy 50

3 Climate & Terrain 62

4 Food 108

5 Camp Craft 244

6 Reading the Signs 348

7 On the Move 372

8 Health 392

9 Survival at Sea 480

10 Rescue 504

11 Disasters 528

Postscript 572

Index 573

Member Review

After owning and reading dozens of outdoor and wilderness survival guides, I feel this is the most informative and detailed survival book I have ever read. The book provides in-depth information on how to survive in countless situations, in any climate. This book covers everything from essential gear, shelters, edible plants, to emergency first aid.

I highly recommend this book to the adventurous.



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AsianBigfoot2 - Mar 28, 2010 4:02 pm - Voted 5/5

Excellent Read
Bought this book when I first saw it as I have the original version.

Truly a tome of information. I keep this copy in my '10 Essentials' pouch.

His attention to detail on describing and making his points are clear yet it's written in simple high school English.

He covers pretty much every scenario imaginable. The illustrations are both detailed color as well as simple line drawings.

If this book were a college course, it would easily be a four semester class!

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