Old Rag Mountain Climber's Log

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Jonathan Pratt - Jun 10, 2024 9:51 am Date Climbed: May 11, 2024

wet, muddy hike  Sucess!

Maybe should have picked a day it wasn't raining.

laxatives - Sep 26, 2023 9:49 am Date Climbed: Nov 1, 2021

Fun climb with dad  Sucess!

First scramble with my ~70 year old dad. Long day, but not too technical.

Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Sep 24, 2022 1:13 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 2022

Gorgeous nature   Sucess!

First time in Virginia, beautiful state.
Old Rag Mountain is pretty mountain, 9 miles loop is
great workout!

Chainshaw - Jul 19, 2022 7:53 am Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2022

The King of Shenandoah  Sucess!

Went into this one blind with some friends of various skill levels and whew, what a trip. Got a bit of a late start that meant we didn't get started up until around 1:30. We went up the scramble side (the only way to do it, IMO- would hate to have to do that in reverse after having already hiked up to the summit). The false summit is really nice, and the real summit is obviously spectacular- not much to say that hasn't already been said, honestly. My only minor gripe is with the hike back down the saddle trail- there's not really a ton to see and half of it is along fire roads, which make for an easy but boring hike. Still, Old Rag is popular for a reason- definitely one I'm glad to check off the list.


MW - Jul 6, 2021 12:22 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2021

Old Rag Mountain, Shenandoah NP  Sucess!

Awesome loop with a good amount of climbing and a tough scramble at top, very technical terrain in spots. Certainly have to earn the summit in this one, unlike the short mountains on Skyline drive. Great views and terrain.


jane_danny - Jan 27, 2021 3:55 pm Date Climbed: Oct 31, 2020

Halloween Hike up and back on Old Rag  Sucess!

Started late to ensure on the mountain at Midnight, 2020 Halloween. Chilly evening. Help rescue of an unfit hiker off the lower rocks near the summit.

New upper parking lot provides plenty of parking. Land donated to the NFS by the Potomac Trust which extended the acreage available for hiker parking.


tudge - Oct 27, 2019 7:39 am Date Climbed: Oct 25, 2019

Quick Afternoon Summit on a Perfect Fall Day  Sucess!

Quick afternoon solo loop up the Ridge Trail and down the fire road. Autumn leaves were in full effect. Truly gorgeous as the sun began to set in the west.

Parking lot was nearly full when I arrived around 2:00 PM, but only ran into about a dozen hiking groups during the hike.

I assume most were finishing their hikes just after I began. Hustled down the fire road. Car-to-car in ~3 hrs, including a brief stop at the summit to enjoy a honeycrisp apple.

Such a great hike.


wannabepeakbagger - Oct 6, 2019 5:40 am Date Climbed: Oct 4, 2019

early morning  Sucess!

Got to the trailhead early and on the trail by 5:30AM. Second car in the lot and maybe the 2nd to the top for the day. Warm early on and a nice sunrise. 4 hours car to car. Was second guessing myself getting to the trailhead in the dark. In the daylight, things are a lot more obvious

mzelasko - Jan 14, 2019 7:18 am Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2018

Day hike   Sucess!

Took a friend from Chicago out for day hike. Because of the holiday weekend we hit some crowds, but hike still makes for a great day.


cgard61 - Aug 26, 2018 5:35 am Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2018

Great Hike and Views

I've hiked Old Rag many times in a loop that includes nearby Robertston Mt.


ZeeJay - Jun 8, 2017 9:53 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 2017

Fun hike  Sucess!

Fun scramble, nice views. We did the standard loop. I'm glad it was blazed!


tudge - May 2, 2017 3:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2015

Perfect June Day  Sucess!

Perfect summer day. Enjoyed a PB&J and a cool breeze on top.


jerky1280 - Apr 7, 2017 3:38 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 1995

Long Ago  Sucess!

Climbed as a kid.


larvitar - Jan 31, 2017 12:58 pm Date Climbed: Jan 26, 2017

Windy!  Sucess!

My brother and I seized the chance to climb this notoriously crowded peak on a warm, sunny weekday in January. We still didn't quite have the trail to ourselves, but there was more than enough room on the mountain for all of us. The scramble at the top (ice-free, thankfully) was much longer and tougher than I'd expected, closer to what you'd find on an alpine peak up north than anything I'd yet seen in Virginia. And with all those narrow cracks and huge, smooth boulders, it definitely favors the tall and skinny. The weather, as mentioned, was beautiful, except for a stiff wind that nearly blew us off the summit. Bring a windbreaker, folks!


oso1212 - Feb 6, 2016 6:06 pm Date Climbed: Feb 6, 2016

Fun  Sucess!

Great time with friends climbing a mountain I've heard about but never had the opportunity to hike until today!


TheWolfIsLoose - Nov 2, 2015 5:09 pm

Great Scramble  Sucess!

A great little scramble in a very pretty area.


PeakAndAbyss - Oct 10, 2015 10:50 am Date Climbed: Mar 22, 2010

Old Rag  Sucess!

An old favorite. Have climbed Old Rag many many times in the past, including when it was snow covered in the winter.


technicolorNH - May 14, 2015 5:05 pm Date Climbed: May 11, 2015

Serious fun  Sucess!

I went without any prior knowledge of the mountain and by the time I was done I could see it had a deserved reputation. I did the nine mile loop in a touch under four hours. I saw the spur trail for Mount Robertson on the way down the fire road but decided to save it for next time since I wanted to tag Hightop and Blackrock before finishing for the day.


jgreeneruns - May 25, 2014 10:08 pm Date Climbed: May 25, 2014

Love the scramble  Sucess!

We camped along Nicholson Hollow to get an earlier start on the trail. We started from the parking lot around 8. I wouldn't have left any later than this because of the volume of people and how warm the top of the mountain got. The hike was very enjoyable with great places to see the valley to the west along the way. The scramble for the last third of the hike is by far the most fun. We made a loop by using the fire road and to avoid going against the summiting traffic.

Definitely a DC area must-hike!


JBR1969 - Mar 10, 2014 4:38 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 2008

Follow the dots  Sucess!

Fun, easy climb.

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