LVMC Top of Rainbow Wall Hike

LVMC Top of Rainbow Wall Hike

Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Apr 14, 2007
Activities Activities: Hiking
Seasons Season: Spring

The Group

Outing Coordinator: Jim Albamont

Willing Victims: Ali, Chris Meyer, Erika Napoletano

Started with 4, Ended with 4...Booyah!

The Hike in Summation

With a 7am meetup time at the front gates of Red Rock, our fearless leader, Jim Albamont, won the coveted Nathan Jr. award for his arrival at 7:04am. (yay, Jim!)

(note: never try to argue with an engineer regarding time or other units of measure)

Erika was the sole "creative" type on this trip, surrounded by computer/IT gurus and a nuclear (nu-cu-lur?) engineer. Oddly enough, she and Ali generally opted for the path of least resistance while the 2 computer dudes (Jim and Chris)repeatedly attempted the "challenges" (also known as the hardest way to get from point A to point B).

The hike is listed in the book as a 12-miler, but the GPS weighed in at under 9. Following the hike, my quads and calves definitely concur with the class 3 scrambling/bouldering and err on the side of a distance greater than 9 miles.

(note: never argue with a woman when it comes to measures of perceived distance)

We headed out just before 7:30am from the end of the dirt access road at Oak Creek and started out on what would lead us to an elevation gain of over 3000' to reach our destination.


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