Autumn Hike to Mount Little Jasło and Mount Jasło

Autumn Hike to Mount Little Jasło and Mount Jasło

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking, Wildlife, Flora, Informational, Scenery, Panorama

Cisna –Wetlina Landscapes Park

A part of Cisna country belongs to the Bieszczady National Park, and the rest is located within the limits of the Cisna –Wetlina Landscapes Park. The south-estern part is almost
completely covered with forests, and it is a place where a hike can get a taste of true adventure, deeply breathe in clean and freshair that is full of smells of pine and spring blossoms.

Nature reveals its  unique charm in this region of Poland in every season.


The main trail leads through the highest peaks of the Bieszczady Mountains.

In the area of Cisna it runs from Komańcza to Cisna through Chryszczata (997 m), Żebrak Pass (816 m), Wołosań (1071 m) and Hon (820 m). It takes 9 hours to get to Cisna.


The other nice route is from Cisna to Smerek through Różki (943 m), Małe Jasło (1102 m), Jasło (1153 m), Okrąglik (1101 m) and Fereczata (1102 m).

 It takes 6 hours to get to Smerek.




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hiltrud.liu - Oct 26, 2013 5:22 am - Voted 10/10

Nice colours...

what a beauty in autumn!

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