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Getting Started

Posted by roundthebineric on Feb 8, 2010
Page Views: 781

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Columbia, Missouri
Skill Level: Beginner
Categories: Hiking
Partner Status: Need Partners


Hey there, my name is Eric and I am just getting into hiking, backpacking, etc. I really want to get into this stuff more but I don't really have the knowledge yet. What I am looking for is someone with a little experience to "take me under their wing" and teach me the ropes. I would like to start with just a short trip somewhere that isn't real high in altitude. I am inexperienced but I'm in decent shape so I'm pretty confident I can keep up. I am currently a student at Mizzou and so the summer would be a good time for me. If anyone is willing to help me out it would be awesome. Thanks!


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