Book: "Sonhos Verticais"


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Book: "Sonhos Verticais"
Page Type Sep 11, 2012 / Sep 11, 2012
Object ID 8372
Hits 1342

Product Description

Book: "Vertical Dreams"

Dreams, vertical or not, drive life. Dreaming gives us direction - where we want to go and how to get there. Dreams give us the courage to dare, to go further, overcome, they are glimpsed the reality of who we want to be. 'Vertical Dreams' tells the feelings, adventures and challenges to realize a dream: being with your feet on top of the world. The author guides us through the difficult journey climbing step by step and tells the 65-day journey, demonstrating that for those who have faith and are willing to learn even more distant dream, or the world's tallest, is unattainable. At the end of the story, the reader will find a diccionary with key terms used by practitioners and tips on how to start climbing safely, also learn a bit more about Buddhist philosophy and how it can help in scaled for life.


216 pages
Weight: 256 grams
Size: 16cms x 23 cms



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PAROFES - Sep 11, 2012 8:41 am - Voted 5/5

On this book
Manoel Morgado, another columnist of, describes step by step his climbs, highest climbs so far: Cho Oyu and Everest.
Currently Morgado is on the approach trekking to Manaslu, he will try this high summit as well.

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