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Let 'Em Aid, Let 'Em Aid, Let 'Em Aid.....

Dave Daly

Posted by Dave Daly on Apr 7, 2006
Page Views: 1956

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Sierra Scrambles And aid Romps
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


The majority of my outtings center around adventure alpine climbing and scrambling 4th and light 5th class however.......

I have been lured into the Dark Art (I won't mention names) and have started a passionate relationship in aid climbing, pursuing self-propelled adventures up the Big Walls. I'm hoping to find other dudes up for either single pitch practice or Grade V multi-day trips. My experience in aid is still growing but I have lead a few pitches of A3 and can hold my own in the vertical rhelm. Ulitmately, I'd like to use the experience and chase after some obscurities.....and possibly FA's. I'd prefer to partner with someone who already has some working knowledge of aid climbing: hauling, lead experience, anchor systems, and a cool head.

Some of my aspiring hopefuls:

-Lurking Fear
-Dihedral Wall
-Castle Rock Spire
-North Dome (Kings Canyon)
-Arches Nat'l Park (Zenyatta Entrada)

Besides aid climbing, I enjoy Sierra scrambles involving 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th class peakbagging rendevous. As long as you can cover 15 to 20 miles in a day trip and can scramble 4th class confidently, I'm there with ya! Overall, I've been climbing for 13 years (free to 5.10, aid to A3, scambles up to low 5th).

Here's some hopeful "tags" I'd like to "mount":

-Mt Stewart (Sequoia NP)
-Eagle Scout Peak (Sequoia NP)
-Lone Pine Peak
-Mt Muir
-Mt Haekel
-Eichorn Minaret


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Guess no one wants to play with Davie. booo-hoooo-hooo
Posted May 1, 2007 7:09 pm



Sent you a PM. Looking for some alpine climbing in the Sierras in mid-late September. Let me know if you're interested.
Posted Aug 1, 2009 7:57 pm

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