No Picnic on Mount Kenya


No Picnic on Mount Kenya
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title No Picnic on Mount Kenya
Manufacturer Felice Benuzzi
Page By Bill Reed
Page Type Mar 28, 2007 / Apr 1, 2007
Object ID 2935
Hits 3792

Product Description

(From the back cover)
In 1943, Felice Benuzzi and two Italian compatriots escaped from a British POW camp in equatorial East Africa with only one goal in mind-to climb the dangerous seventeen-thousand-foot Mount Kenya. No Picnic on Mount Kenya is the classic tale of this most bizarre and thrilling adventure, a story that has earned its place as a unique masterpiece of daring and suspense.

"For some of us this may be the book of its kind...For this was an adventure more poetic than practical, and that was its special quality... If Signor Benuzzi never climbs another mountain, this one was something to remember, and so is his good and vivid book."
-New York Herald Tribune Book Review

Paperback: 239 pages
Publisher: The Lyons Press 1999-originally published by E.P. Dutton 1953
Introduction by Rick Ridgeway
ISBN 1-55821-876-9



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Bill Reed - Mar 31, 2007 10:38 pm - Voted 5/5

Stupid title-good book!
It's a well written, engaging tale of how the author fabricates a plan and recruits his team from among his fellow prisoners. How they outfit themselves and escape from the camp is an amazing story. Their adventures climbing Mount Kenya with makeshift mountaineering gear are inspiring.
A good read.

Alan Ellis - Sep 18, 2007 9:44 pm - Voted 5/5

Good read!
Get the little paperback for a tent-read. Outstanding story and well written. Amazing that he did what he did in those conditions. Highly recommend.

tigerlilly - Feb 19, 2008 10:52 pm - Hasn't voted

Please make into a movie!
Wouldn't this book make an excellent movie? The story is fascinating. We learn how to climb a mountain with hand made crampons, ice axe, rope, etc. Really amazing. Great book. Hard to find cheap, since it is out of print. Stupid title...true!

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